Met this woman on a dating site in Jacksonville, FL. She repeatedly insists that she is loyal, trustworthy and committed, however she has pursued multiple "committed" relationships at the same time, showing a pattern of dishonesty and disregard for any trust given to her. She has hidden her true career, claiming that she worked as an esthetician, and in fact, she is a stripper in a strip club off Phillips Highway in Jacksonville. She has been repeatedly dishonest and created unbelievable excuses to explain that she was not cheating, just a victim of circumstance, and constantly insisted that she was being faithful when she wasn't. She sees multiple men in the same day, some may be "boyfriends", others may be "clients". She is always incredibly tired (so being asleep is an excuse for not answering her phone/texts and not being available), and now it is painfully clear why she is always so tired. She would say she was home when she was not, leave her car at home, then get rides (Uber, Lyft, "friend") so it appeared that she was home.
It appears she wants to leverage relationships as a way to get support from multiple men under the premise of a committed relationship, without actually caring for or committing to anyone emotionally. She is skilled at making you believe that you are the only one for her. In reality, she seems more focused on what she can gain in the future rather than trying to establish a true committed and trusting relationship. I don't believe Sophia is capable of a committed relationship. She will love bomb you with promises of being a dedicated wife, taking care of you, being honest and faithful, but she also wants you to share your location 7x24 - seems she knows what she is capable of, and suspects you are too. You shouldn't look at or talk to other women, exes, etc. You belong to her, and she belongs to whomever she chooses. |
In her years as a stripper, she seems to have accumulated vast experience in manipulating/deceiving men, and it seems that this now comes naturally, as does her deceit.
None of us deserve to be lied to, cheated on, and treated with so little regard.
Ultimately discovered that she had 3+ other men she was seeing at the same time, though she demanded a committment and maintained that she was faithful and not seeing anyone else. When confronted, she still continued to lie, including where she worked, but finally yielded to the pressure and confessed only to what could be proven with photos. She maintained her lies about everything else, even things she didn't need to lie about. She thoroughly cleans her home often, my suspicion is that she does this immediately after each "boyfriend" that visits her home, and she constantly "needs to clean" multiple times weekly. We all deserve honesty, trust and respect in our relationships. We should not have to worry about cheating, manipulation or exploitation of our feelings followed by denials and psychological abuse as we start to recognize when someone is lying/cheating and question them. I hope this information helps at least one other person see things more clearly, and possibly explain some things that have been troubling. |
We should all be able to make informed choices that are in our best interests, and perhaps this will save someone a little heartache and heartbreak that others have had to endure.
Spanish is her primary language, she is from Cuba, and she may brutally gaslight you once you began to suspect / find out more about her and confront her.
She will probably turn the tables on you, insist that everything your fault, and tell you that you are "seeing ghosts where there are none". Watch out, the ghosts are real!! She hides apps on her phone and disables message notifications if you happen to see them, so she is very skilled at maintaining her facade, and the lies flow easily - too easily. You will begin to wonder what is true and what isn't, and begin to doubt your own sanity, due to the incessant gaslighting. She gets very angry when her lies are questioned. Discovering that she was a stripper wasn't the big issue, that could have been easily solved, it was the continued lying, cheating, broken promises and denials that completely destroyed any hope of trust. I couldn't believe anything she said, nearly everything she explained was lie, even when there was no reason/gain to lie. She says she wants out of the stripper life, but her actions don't indicate that she has any desire to do so. |
Sophia's Florida license plate number is: LLQ-G64 and she drives a white 2019 Hyundai Elantra. She uses a Miami Phone number as her primary phone (area code 786) and an NC IP number (area code 910) for her "secret" number, but likely has more. Not publishing her complete name/phone number for her safety. She says she wants a stable committed relationship, however her actions make it look like she wants to find multiple men to cover her fun and expenses. Be careful, if your gut tells you something is wrong, it definitely is. You must be committed to her, but she will do as she pleases / see who she wants, and insist she is faithful. We dated "exclusively" the last few months of 2024, however, I was apparently the only one who honored the committed "relationship".. |